Clio's Corner

Clio's Corner

Joyce's cat Clio
Hi! My name is Clio. Joyce named me after the Greek muse of history. I suppose she was hoping I might help inspire her in her writing, but mostly I just like to bite and scratch. Here is my favorite poem by an anonymous medieval monk. I hope you enjoy it!

I and Pangur Ban my cat
‘Tis a like task we are at,
Hunting mice is his delight,
Hunting words I sit all night.
‘Tis a merry thing to see,
At our tasks how glad are we
When at home we sit and find,
Entertainment to our mind.
‘Gainst the wall he sets his eye,
Full and fierce and sharp and sly,
‘Gainst the wall my knowledge, I
All my little wisdom try.
So in peace our tasks we ply:
Pangur Ban my cat, and I
In our arts we find our bliss,
I have mine and he has his.

Here is one of my favorite websites, where you can see more funny pictures like mine … like ours!